Same Sex Marriage Rabbis in Miami

Same Sex Marriage Rabbis in MiamiNow that same sex marriages are legal in Florida, many couples are making plans to celebrate their love through a beautiful wedding day. Rabbi Robert Silverman is one of the most sought after same sex marriage rabbis in Miami. And can help every couple craft the perfect day to celebrate their love.

Miami Gay Wedding Officiants

Same sex couples who are ready to get married begin the planning process with a virtual blank canvas. There is really no set structure to a same sex wedding, so couples are able to plan their wedding ceremony in every detail. This enables the couple to strike the tone they want for their wedding day. Rabbi Silverman can help couples find the best way to celebrate their love and take the first steps into a new life together.

Many couples wish to include their families through the planning stages and even in the ceremony itself. Rabbi Silverman can help couples decide how best to include their loves ones in the special day if that is the couple’s wish.

Same Sex Marriage Rabbis in Miami

Same Sex Unions Miami Dade CountyA wedding day is a cherished occasion that is an important first step in a lifetime spent together. Rabbi Silverman is sensitive to the needs of each couple, and can help them find a way to celebrate the people that they are and the married couple they will be in the future.